We've just launched a page over at Buy Me A Coffee, a crowd-funding website that allows creators and artists to deliver exclusive content to their audience, who can choose to support with either a regular monthly subscription or by purchasing a one-off round of 'virtual coffees.'

We're now in the final half of creating our new double concept album TERRA NOVA. There's still a lot to do, but we're closer to the end than the start and there's no doubt that it's going to be the most ambitious HeKz album to date!
If you'd like to help us finish the new album that little bit sooner by subscribing to us on Buy Me A Coffee, we have 3 tiers to choose from.
Here's what you get for your hard-earned dough:

BELIEVER tier (£1/month or £10/year)
Invitation to the HeKz Fan Group
Social media shout out
Unlock exclusive posts and messages here on BMAC
ZEALOT tier (£3/month or £30/year)
All of the BELIEVER perks
High-quality digital download of an unreleased song from the HeKz HQ vaults every month
ACOLYTE tier (£5/month or £50/year)
TERRA NOVA Behind the Scenes updates
Early access to new music
Work in progress updates
The first BMC exclusive song and first rough mix from TERRA NOVA are available right now! Here's what our members have been saying about this first content drop:
"I LOVE this, all my personal boxes ticked. As "Line in the Sand" is a personal favourite, this new/old track is right up my street." "Well, if this is the quality of the unreleased material we can expect then you have more than earned a coffee. Very well crafted song, loving the build up throughout and the superb vocals." "If the maturity in this snippet is a sign of what the new album will be like, then I think we're really in for something special."

We've also set our first goal for BMC - when we reach £100 / month in support, we will compose a brand new, original piece of music for each and every member. Your song will be delivered as a high-quality digital download. At time of writing, we're already at 30% of that goal! If you'd like to help us get the rest of the way by subscribing to one of our BMC memberships, click here to visit our page and join the HeKz Coffee Club. #hekz #terranova #coffee #newalbum #buymeacoffee #progmetal #progrock